150 years district savings bank

150 years district savings bank

In 2006, the district savings bank Schwäbisch Gmünd celebrated its 150th anniversary. To celebrate this anniversary, the district savings bank commissioned us to create a large laser...
20th Anniversary of Showmotion

20th Anniversary of Showmotion

In 2005, our customer Showmotion celebrated its 20th anniversary. On the occasion of the celebration, our team designed a music-synchronous laser show in combination with water fountains. The show was timecode synchronized between Pangolin control and a hybrid DMX...
State Garden Show 2014 – Skylaser

State Garden Show 2014 – Skylaser

We also supported the 2014 State Horticultural Show in Schwäbisch Gmünd with a Skylaser that connected two towers. The towers are the symbols of the city and were therefore perfect for this type of illumination. The laser beam could be seen all over the city,...
Laser Show Event Geovol

Laser Show Event Geovol

At the end of October 2014, GEOVOL celebrated the completion of two successful geothermal wells in Unterföhring, Germany. On this occasion we organized a spectacular laser show with logo and text projections at the...
State Horticultural Show 2014

State Horticultural Show 2014

One of the highlights of the State Garden Show 2014 in Schwäbisch Gmünd was the Festival of Lights on September 20th. The entire city was bathed in light, especially laser light: we presented a massive laser multimedia show that included video and laser mapping on one...