Für das Berliner Zeiss-Großplanetarium waren wir Ende 2016 / Anfang 2017 Hauptauftragnehmer für die komplette Implementierung und Erneuerung der Showlaseranlage und Lichtsteuerung im gesamten Planetarium und im Kino. Das Zeiss-Planetarium gilt als eines der größten...
In 2005 we implemented an impressive multimedia show installation in the Nuremberg Planetarium. The main show was dubbed to the song %22Heaven%22 by Queen. This show was even known outside of Germany. The entire show was carried out using four fiber-coupled 360°...
In 2005 we made some changes to the existing laser and multimedia equipment of the Hamburg Planetarium. The old technology has been replaced and enhanced with a combination of high-power diode and DPSS laser sources in solid-state RGB...
The Copernicus Science Center is a planetarium and science experience center in Warsaw, Poland. In 2011 we equipped the center with a spectacular laser show and numerous show laser...